If you are interested in becoming a family mediator, you will need to undergo extensive Training and Supervision. After taking approved family mediation courses, most mediation regulatory bodies prescribe a requisite number of supervision hours before accreditation. For example, the Ontario Association for Family Mediation (OAFM) requires 100 hours of supervision as part of its Accredited Family Mediator qualifications.
I provide supervision to aspiring mediators in 25-hour blocks of time, which can be purchased for $750.00 each (which is the equivalent of $30.00 per hour), plus 13% HST. There is also an initial $100.00 administration fee charged when accepted. The first 50 hours are observation only, and if the mediator is ready, during the third block, co-mediation can be introduced. In some instances, mediators may be ready to lead-mediate during the final 25-hour block, thus earning them in whole or part another requirement of OAFM, which is mediating at least 5 files to completion. However, at no time will an intern take carriage of a file. Also, no student will co-mediate nor lead-mediate before I feel they are ready, and taking the final 50 hours of supervision is no guarantee of same.
If you are interested in obtaining mediation supervision by me, please forward me your Curriculum Vitae, outlining all relevant mediation training, experience and education, as well as two references, and a current CPIC check. If you are accepted as an intern, you may also be required to provide proof of Errors and Omissions Insurance in an amount no less than $2 million.
From time-to-time, I also host mediation training seminars and courses. Current training opportunities are e-listed by the OAFM, FMC, FDRIO or ADRIO.